• Noticias y Novedades

    Noticias y Novedades

Boletín Normativo - Julio 2024

Novedades Destacadas

  • Ley de Bases 27.742
  • Ley “Paquete Fiscal” 27.743
  • Reglamentación de Moratoria Fiscal y Régimen de Blanqueo de Bienes
  • Reglamentación de Beneficios al “Contribuyente Cumplidor” del Impuesto Bienes Personales
  • Reglamentación Ley de Impuesto a las Ganancias y Ley Impuesto al Valor Agregado
  • Warrants y Certificados de Depósito
  • Salario Mínimo Vital y Móvil
  • Nuevas Normas aplicables al Registro de Sociedades en Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires


Law 27.742 – “Ley Bases”

Law N° 27.742 set forth a large, varied and important set of provisions and amendments to current legislation, including -among others- matters related to: Reforms of State, Privatizations, Administrative Proceedings, Public Employment and Contracts, Labor Modernization, Energy and Incentive Regime for Large Investments (RIGI). Please refer to our previous Special Edition Newsletter for further information and detail. You may also refer to the recording of our Webinar on said matters. Both can be found in the following link: www.bcoabogados.com.ar

Law 27.743 and Decree 608/24 – “Palliative and Relevant Fiscal Measures”

Law N° 27.742 (the “Law”) set forth a large set of provisions related to tax matters including, among many others, the following: (i) Provision of a tax moratorium by the creation of a Regime for Exceptional Regularization of Tax, Customs and Social Security Obligations; (ii) Provision of a personal asset tax moratorium by the creation of an Asset Regularization Regime; (iii) Provision of a voluntary and beneficial 5 years in-advance payment of personal assets tax by the creation of a Special Personal Asset Tax Regime; (iv) Amendments to Tax Law 23.966 by increasing the personal asset tax non-taxable minimum, abrogation of the special tax rate applicable to assets located abroad, and gradually reducing over the years the personal asset tax applicable tax rates; (v) Abrogation of Real Estate Transfer Tax (ITI); (vi) Multiple amendments to Income Tax Law. By means of Decree N° 608/2024, the Executive Branch regulates the provisions of the Law, except for item (vi) above.

General Resolution 5525/24 – “Regime for Exceptional Regularization of Tax, Customs and Social Security Obligations”

By means of General Resolution N° 5525/2024, Tax Enforcement Authority (AFIP) further regulates the Regime for Exceptional Regularization of Tax, Customs and Social Security Obligations provided under the above referred Law N° 27.743 and Decree N° 608/2024 by providing, among others, the reach, exclusions, requirements, and payment methods applicable to such Regime.

General Resolutions 5528/24, 5536/2024 and Resolution 590/24 – “Asset Regularization Regime”

By means of General Resolutions N° 5528/2024 and 5536/2024, Tax Enforcement Authority (AFIP) further regulates the Asset Regulation Regime provided under the above referred Law N° 27.743 and Decree N° 608/2024 by providing, among others, the requirements to be complied by interested parties, method for registration, required in advance payments and affidavits, calculation of taxable base, and payment proceedings. By means of Resolution N° 590/2024, the Ministry of Economy set forth the different possible financial investments to be chosen from -by their owners- regarding the funds entering the Regime once transferred to the mandatory Special Account.

General Resolution 5535/24 – Personal Assets Tax

By means of General Resolution N° 5535/2024, Tax Enforcement Authority (AFIP) further regulates the conditions, proceedings and benefits provided under the above referred Law N° 27.743 and Decree N° 608/2024 for “compliant taxpayers” of the Personal Assets Tax.

Decree 652/24 – Regulation of Income Tax Law

By means of Decree N° 652/2024, the Executive Branch regulates Income Tax Law by amending previous Regulation Decree N° 862/2019.

Decree 603/24 – Income Tax Law

By means of Decree N° 603/2024, the Executive Branch amends the list of Nations provided as “non-cooperating” under the regulation of Income Tax Law.

Decree 658/24 – Value Added Tax Law

By means of Decree N° 658/2024, the Executive Branch regulates Income Value Tax Law by amending previous Regulation Decree N° 692/1998.

Decree 640/24 – “Warrants” and Certificates of Deposit

By means of Decree N° 640/2024, the Executive Branch deregulates the Regime created under Laws 928 and 9643 regarding the issuance of “warrants” and certificates of deposit over certain productive goods offered as collateral for the procurement of credit. The Decree provides a non-mandatory “Warrant Registry” for interested legal entities and set forth the possibility for private digital issuance and private electronic negotiation of such instruments.

Resolution 13/24 – New Values form Minimum Wage

By means of Resolutions N° 13/2024, the Secretary of Labor, Employment and National Security sets forth the new values of minimum wage applicable as from July 1st, 2024 (AR$ 254.231,91), August 1st, 2024 (AR$ 262.432,93), September 1st, 2024 (AR$ 268.056,50), and October 1st, 2024 (AR$ 271.571,22).

Decree 639/24 – Aircraft ́s Registry

By means of Decree N° 639/2024, the Executive Branch regulates the National Aircraft ́s Registry created under Law 17.285 for the digital and remote registration of all aircrafts and/or motors.

General Resolution 15/24 – New Regulatory Framework for the Superintendence of Corporations

By means of General Resolution N° 15/2024 (the “Resolution”), the Superintendence of Corporations (IGJ) replace, as of November 1st, 2024, the regulatory framework provided under previous IGJ General Resolution N° 7/2025 and its amendments, regarding registration of corporations within the jurisdiction of the City of Buenos Aires. The Resolution simplifies and makes registration proceedings more flexible. Strictly regarding foreign companies, and among others, the Resolution provides the following: (i) elimination of the requirements to evidence the existence of assets abroad and filing of annual information regimes (RIAs); (ii) possibility to register the so called “off shore” companies, subject to a restrictive criteria; (iii) simplification of mandatory registration requirements after incorporation, including change of legal representative, amendments to bylaws of the parent company, etc.; (iv) legal representatives shall no longer be obliged to formalize guarantees in favor of the company for their position. Regarding local companies, and among many others, the Resolution also provides the following: (v) elimination of the control of substantial plurality among company ́s shareholders; (vi) permission to register company ́s multiple social corporate purposes, whether these are related or not; (vii) abrogation of the requirement to adapt the amount of capital stock to company’s corporate social purpose; (viii) permission to integrate company ́s capital contributions with virtual assets and crypto currencies; (ix) amendments to the regime of irrevocable contributions; (x) abrogation of the obligation to provide specific destination to accumulated positive company ́s results; (xi) flexibilization of the requirements for holding remote company ́s meetings.

Disposition 64/24 – Province of Buenos Aires – Foreign Companies Regime

By means of Disposition N° 64/2024, the Provincial Direction of Legal Persons (“DPPJ”) modifies the regime applicable to foreign companies and provides specific regulations on vehicle and offshore companies applicable for companies registered within the jurisdiction of the Province of Buenos Aires.


Law 27.742 – “Ley Bases”

Law N° 27.742 set forth a large and varied set of amendments to both Hydrocarbons Law N° 17.319 and Gas Law N° 24.076. Please refer to our previous Special Edition Newsletter for further information and detail. You may also refer to the recording of our Webinar on said matters. Both can be found in the following link: www.bcoabogados.com.ar

Resolution 159/24 – Reversal of Offshore Exploration Permits

By means of Resolution No 159/24, the Secretary of Energy declared the termination of the offshore hydrocarbon exploration permits CAN_111 and CAN_113 previously granted by Resolutions No 597/2019 and 600/2019; and the reversal of same in favor of National State. Termination occurred as consequence of the resignation by the permit holders.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions or comments:

Dámaris Martinez
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777

Leandro Martin Orts
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+54 11 4326-7777

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