Novedades Destacadas
- Régimen de Fomento de Inversiones para Exportaciones Economía del Conocimiento
- Requisitos para las Reuniones de Directorio Trimestrales
- Prórroga de la Emergencia Sanitaria
- Régimen de Incentivos al Abastecimiento Interno de Combustible (RIAIC)
- Actualización de Canon Hidrocarburífero
Resolution 234/2022 - Investment Promotion Regime for Exports of Knowledge Economy Activities
By means of Resolution 234/2022, the National Secretariat of Knowledge Economy regulates the Investment Promotion Regime for Exports of Knowledge Economy Activities created under Decree 679/2022. The Resolution sets forth the conditions to obtain the benefits contemplated under the aforementioned regime.
General Resolution 17/22 - Quarterly Board of Directors Meetings
By means of General Resolution N° 17/2022, the Superintendence of Corporations (“IGJ”) declares irregular and ineffective the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings celebrated for purposes of complying with Article 267 of Law 19,550 in which the matters discussed and the decisions adopted in said meetings were not properly detailed.
Decree 863/22 - Health Emergency
By means of Decree 863/22, the Executive Branch extends until December 31, 2023 the health emergency declared under Law Nº27,541.
Disposition Nº 9/22 - Incentive Regime for the Internal Supply of Fuels (RIAIC)
By means of Disposition Nº 9/2022, the Subsecretary of Hydrocarbons regulates the procedure for applying to the "Incentive Regime for the Internal Supply of Fuels" (RIAIC), created under Decree 329/22 and regulated by Resolution Nº639/22
NO-2022-131454963-APN-DNEYR#MEC - Hydrocarbon Canon for the year 2023
By means of note NO-2022-131454963-APN-DNEYR#MEC, the Secretariat of Energy updates the values for purposes of calculating the annual Hydrocarbon Canon applicable to the year 2023.
Province of Neuquén – Decree 2471/22 - Strengthening and Development of the Neuquén Value Chain
By means of Decree Nº 2471/22, the Executive Branch of the Province of Neuquén regulates the Law for the Strengthening and Development of the Neuquén Value Chain Nº 3338
Decree 864/22 – Tax on Liquid Fuels and Carbone Dioxide
By means of Decree Nº 864/2022, the Executive Branch sets forth that the increase of the tax on liquid fuels and carbon dioxide (Article 7 of the Annex to Decree No. 501/18) corresponding to the third and fourth calendar quarters of 2021 and to the first, second, third and fourth calendar quarters of 2022, shall be effective, regarding unleaded gasoline, virgin gasoline and diesel, as of 1st April, 2023.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions or comments:
Dámaris Martinez
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777
Leandro Martin Orts
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+54 11 4326-7777