Relevant News
- Free Market for Telecommunication Services
- Relaxation of Requirements applicable to Simplified Joint Stock Companies (S.A.S.)
- Abrogation of Gender Diversity Requirement from Corporation’s Administration Bodies
- Abrogation of Price Information Regimes regarding Transfer of Vehicles and Cattle
- Information Requirements to be Included in Advertising
Decree 302/24 – Free Market for Telecommunication Services
By means of Decree N° 302/2024, the Executive Branch abrogates previous Decree N° 690/2020 and partially amends Law N° 27.078 by eliminating Enforcement Authority’s power to regulate tariffs applicable to the provision of Telecommunication Services (TIC), such us cellphone and internet.
General Resolution 11/24 – Simplified Joint Stock Companies (S.A.S.)
By means of General Resolution N° 11/2024, the Superintendence of Corporations (“IGJ”) abrogates and amends several previous resolutions for the purpose of removing the main obstacles which hindered the incorporation and operation of Simplified Joint Stock Companies (S.A.S.).
General Resolution 12/24 – Simplified Joint Stock Companies (S.A.S.)
By means of General Resolution N° 12/2024, the Superintendence of Corporations (“IGJ”), among others, approved the by-laws’ template for the incorporation of Simplified Joint Stock Companies (S.A.S.).
General Resolution 13/24 – Abrogation of Gender Diversity from Corporation’s Administration Bodies
By means of General Resolution N° 12/2024, the Superintendence of Corporations (“IGJ”) abrogates previous Resolutions N° 34/2020, 35/2020, 42/2020 and 12/2021, regarding the mandatory requirement of considering gender diversity in the appointment of members of the administration body for, among others, corporations subject to state permanent supervision in the terms of section 299 of Corporate Law N° 19,550.
Disposition 404/24 – Tourist Consumer Protection Program
By means of Disposition N° 404/2024, the Undersecretary of Actions for Consumer’s Defense approved the implementation of the “Tourist Consumer Protection Program”, for the treatment of complaints from tourist consumers.
Supreme Court Agreement 10/2024 – Minimum Value for the Appeal of Final Judgments
By means of Agreement N° 10/2024, the Supreme Court set forth that the minimum required amount disputed in judicial proceedings for allowing the appeal of the final judgment shall be no less than Argentine Pesos Two Million One Hundred Thousand (ARS 2.100.000).
Resolution 416/2024 – Veterinary Products
By means of Resolution N° 416/2024, the National Service of Agri-food Quality and Health approved the Standards of Good Manufacturing Practices for Veterinarian Products, of mandatory application to all veterinary products manufactured and/or marketed in National Territory.
Resolution 12/2024 – Information Requirements in Advertising
By means of Resolution N° 12/2024, the Secretary of Industry and Commerce set forth certain requirements to be complied by manufacturers and providers of goods and services destined for public consumption regarding the advertising of same.
Resolution 5505/2024 – Abrogation of the Information Regime for the Transfer of Vehicles
By means of General Resolution N° 5505/2024, Tax Enforcement Authority (AFIP) partially abrogates previous General Resolution N° 2729/2009 (and all related amendments) regarding in all that refers to the information regimen for the transfer of used vehicles (“CETA” form).
Resolution 8/2024 – Abrogation of the Bovine Price Information System
By means of Resolution N° 8/2024, the Secretary of Bioeconomy, among others, abrogates Resolutions N° 1154/2024, 1486/2006 and 2296/2007 previously issued by the National Office of Agricultural Commercial Control all related to the obligation of declaring purchase prices of cattle under the now abrogated Bovine Price Information System.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions or comments:
Dámaris Martinez
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777
Leandro Martin Orts
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+54 11 4326-7777